Our Company has been established in 1975 under the name of D. J.DIAMANTOPOULOS
starting buisiness in the hardware field due to the long time experience we had on the relative
hardware products.
Due to our rapidly expanded activities and success of our activities we decided to spread our
Market by dealing also with subproducts related to hardwares,we therefore establised also our two
subsidiary Companiew the D.DIAMANTOPOULOS & CO O.E. and later on in 1999
to enable us control our activities and do our outmost to maintain our best relations with our
customers all over Greece as well as with our represented 35 Principals from all over the world.
We are representing more than 35 Producers/Exporters from all over the world, we are proud
of our best relations and buisiness activities with them which have been exploded rapidly in the last
passed years.
Due to our long time connections with Departments, Hardware Stores, we also have excellent
relations with the most of relative concerns of this country and we can proudly say that we are the
leader in the Greek Market among all other Representatives dealing in hardwares.